Our Camels in TV, Commercials and filming jobs... The Camels of the Almeria Desert. Camels for your film, spot, music video, tv show in Spain
Short Film Layla, at last (UK-USA) octuber 2019
Videoclip “Dirhamz” by Amanda Delara, 2017
Participation in the German Tv series Kika: "Abenteuer Wildniss", 2017
“My Name Is Thomas“, by Terence Hill, 2016
Land Rover Spot, February 2018
Brussel tv series
“Boum, boum, boum”, videoclip by Mika, 2015
“Rescatando a Sara” BocaBoca Producciones by Antena 3, 2013
“Der Affenkönig”, by Oliver Rihs, 2015
Camels 4 Films. The Camels of the Almeria Desert.
Filming services with Camels for movies, music videos and commercials in Almería, Spain.